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- Working volume 100 L
- Operating temperature from -20 to 155°C
- Operating pressure from -1 to 6 barg
- Heated jacket (steam 6 bar), isolation in stainless steel cover
- Material of construction: wetted material stainless steel AISI 316L
- Surface grinded Ra ≤ 0,8 μm
- Bottom magnetic stirrer, 3 x Rushton turbines with a diameter of 135 mm, Liquitec, type bio-m BMAF 1200
- Electric drive 1,1 kW with frequency inverter
- Speed range 130 – 700 rpm
- Removable mixing baffles
- Bottom drain valve DN 15 GEMÜ B600 with inlet valve for steam DN 8
- Removable air ring DN 15 with a system of holes at the bottom
- Aseptic nozzles, Ingold type
- Inoculation ports DN19 in the top lid
Client: Lonza Biotec s.r.o., Czech Republic