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Equipment used during the filtration and drying phase of a chemical process.
- Designed pressure -1 to 3 bar(g)
- Designed temperature 120°C
- Volume 330 L
- Material of construction: Wetted material stainless steel AISI 316
- Internal surface grinded Ra ≤ 0,8 μm, no dead spots
- Heated jacket (water, 1 bar, 120°C)
- Filtering area ø 600 mm, sintered material AISI 316, porosity 20 µm
- Electric drive 3 kW, 5 to 30 rpm
- Stirrer with function “smooth” and “sweep”
- Double mechanic sealing with barrier fluid allowing axial movement
- Hydraulic axial movement of stirrer (250 mm)
- Hydraulic lift of bottom
- Filtering bottom transportable on wheels
- Push out branch DN 200 with hydraulic opening
- Ex / ATEX explosion proof execution